Project Description

Shed – 7m x 10.5m – MICHELAGO NSW

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A custom shed project for a residential property in Mount View Michelago. We at first sheds were tasked with the design and construction of the shed structure and the approval management for the entire process from start to finish, all done in-house.

We first started with the initial earthworks and slab preparation for the planned concrete works. Aside from the usual goal of providing the benefits of a shed to a residential property, we also had to prioritise preserving the streetscape for this project. Thus, the construction has to take into account landscaping and hedging work to conceal the shed. 

After laying out the initial works, we then proceed to the construction of the shed itself. It included a set of roller doors with some of them motorised for easy access, two PA doors, roof insulation, colorbond cladding, gutters, and downpipes.

As per usual, all materials are 100% Bluescope and Colorbond steel.

What’s included:

Material supply, construction, downpipe and stormwater works, earthworks, approval management, and project management.

Let’s talk:


Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Weekends By Appointment


2/48 Hoskins St, Mitchell ACT 2911